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Staff Augmentation / Team Extension

The right people make the difference

Are you looking to expand your internal team to meet new business challenges?

Are you looking for developers, designers, analysts, architects, engineers or data scientists, etc. to join your internal team? Whether extended workforce or top-level specialists, with SharksIA you are in good hands.

We can help you expand your team with the exact people you need in less than 30 days. We commit to your critical dates and work hard to meet these commitments. And we are proud, to date, of the level of compliance we have achieved.

Our people will complement your professionals, help you overcome any potential skills gaps and increase your speed of delivery. If a specific need or request for specific expertise arises, through our service managers we will support these unplanned needs to provide you with the right solution.

Control over the project remains on your side and you keep all strategic competencies completely in-house, distributing the work among all team members, both internal and outsourced. Adding the missing skill sets to your existing in-house team will allow you to build the most effective team faster, expand or reduce it at will and deliver your project on time and in line with business expectations.

Help your company maintain an advantage competitive adapting to new challenges and opportunities by experiencing seamless integration with a proven solution.